Tag: fire-lizards
Chap. 391 The Call on the Carpet
Chap. 391 The Call On the Carpet Raylan had led the way. The door to Evvelin’s office swooshed open and he stepped in. Jansen and K’ndar balked, both reluctant to come in any further. Evvelin’s laser gaze went right past Raylan into their eyes. Nothing needed to be said. As one, they spun on their…
Chap. 386 The Surprise
Chap. 386 The Surprise Thank the stars between is silent, he thought. They’d appeared directly over the cavern they’d landed on the day before. Perfect he said to Raventh. Of course, Raventh said, not a little proud of himself, I know where I am. Circle, please? I think we might want to perch on that…
Chap. 383 The Dog and the Horse
Chap. 383 The Dog and The Horse Finally, K’ndar thought, as he walked out of his small workspace, I’ve cleared my decks and finally have some free time. I’m going riding! The doors to the outside whisked open. The scent of a lovely, if cold day hit him. This winter had been an exceptionally cold…